About the project
Objectives of the project
The project aimed at addressing low level of acceptance of otherness and limited experience of employees with diversity at workplace in Slovakia. The project thus focused on promoting diversity towards the general public, supporting awareness raising and understanding of non-discrimination at workplace as well as on capacity building for employers to create, manage and maintain real diversity, regularly measure it and asses its level at the particular workplace.
Outcomes of the project
- Blended learning programme (online/offline) for employers from public administration and self-governments building on the methodical guide Introduction to Diversity Management and Equal Treatment
- Trainings (10 training activities) for public sector employers organised by the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights
- Communication campaign targeting wider public “Za pekné pondelky”
- Expert thematic events (gender equality, LGBT+ inclusion etc.) for members of the Diversity Charter
- International workshop at the Fundamental Rights Forum 2021 – Measuring diversity & equality at the workplace
- Online tool to measure diversity at the workplace – the Diversity Index, which is a unique tool for employers in Slovakia to assess their measures to support non-discrimination, diversity and inclusion