Gender diversity
7. What is the participation of women in top management Top management represents an individual or group of individuals that manages or controls the company or organisation at the highest level. It includes people entitled to delegate competences and allocate financial resources. E.g. a statutory body (regardless its name), an administrative board, a board of supervisors, a bureau etc. of your company or organisation as compared to the gender situation in the collective of workers as a whole?
Calculation: 1st step: divide the number of women in top management by the number of all persons in top management and multiply the result by 100 %; 2nd step: divide the number of women in the company or organisation by a total number employees and multiply by 100 %, 3rd step: compare both proportions
The proportion of women in top management is higher than the overall proportion of women in the company or organisation.
The proportion of women in top management is equal to the overall proportion of women in the company or organisation.
The proportion of women in top management is lower than the overall proportion of women in the company or organisation.
The proportion of women in top management is lower by more than 10 % than the overall proportion of women in the company or organisation.
8. How big is the gender pay gap Gender pay gap is the difference between the average gross hourly earnings of men and women employed in the company or organisation expressed as a percentage of the average gross hourly earnings of men employed in the company or organisation. at your company or organisation?
Calculation: 1st step: calculate the average hourly wage of all men employed in your company/organisation; 2nd step: calculate the average hourly wage of all women employed in your company/organisation; 3rd step: calculate the difference between the average hourly wage of men and average hourly wage of women; 4th step: divide the difference by the average hourly wage of all men employed in your company or organisation and multiply by 100 %
The gender pay gap at the company or organisation is lower than 3 %.
The gender pay gap at the company or organisation is between 3 % and 10 %.
The gender pay gap at the company or organisation is between 10.1 % and 20 %.
The gender pay gap at the company or organisation is higher than 20.1 %.
9. How big is gender pay gap in top management of your company or organisation?
Calculation: 1st step: calculate the average hourly wage of all men in top management of your company/organisation; 2nd step: calculate the average hourly wage of all women in top management of your company/organisation; 3rd step: calculate the difference between the average hourly wage of men in top management and average hourly wage of women in top management; 4th step: divide the difference by the average hourly wage of men in top management of your company or organisation and multiply by 100 %
The gender pay gap in top management of the company or organisation equals or is lower than 3 %.
The gender pay gap in top management of the company or organisation is between 3.1 % and 10 %.
The gender pay gap in top management of the company or organisation is between 10.1 % and 20 %.
The gender pay gap in top management of the company or organisation is higher than 20.1 %.
10. Has your company or organisation implemented a strategy or other policy to promote gender equality Gender equality means equal social status of men and women in all areas of public and private life. It aims to secure full social recognition based on individual qualities and abilities. More broadly, it means fair treatment of women and men considering their specific needs and situations in life. at workplace?
Yes, the company or organisation has its own gender equality plan Gender planning is a planning that understands gender as a key criterion or variable and explicitly includes gender dimension into concepts and activities of the company or organisation. E.g. adoption of a gender equality plan for hiring, representation, career growth, renumeration, work-life balance and its evaluation in reports. and prepares gender equality reports.
The company or organisation has its own plan for promoting gender equality at workplace or prepares a gender equality report.
Promotion of gender equality at workplace is included in several supporting documents of the company or organisation.
No, the company or organisation does not deal with promotion of gender equality at workplace.
11. Has your company or organisation established a particular mechanism and processes to handle complaints alleging sexual harassment Sexual harassment is verbal, non-verbal or physical behaviour of a sexual nature whose aim or consequence is or may be an interference with the dignity of a person and which creates an intimidating, humiliating, degrading, hostile or offensive environment. ?
Yes, the company or organisation has created an official mechanism to handle complaints alleging sexual harassment.
The company or organisation has not created any official mechanism to handle complaints alleging sexual harassment, however, itactively promotes protection from sexual harassment at workplace. The company or organisation actively promotes protection from sexual harassment, if it adopted appropriate internal regulations to prevent sexual harassment at workplace, created a mechanism to handle complaints alleging sexual harassment and regularly trains employees in this area.
Resolution of complaints alleging sexual harassment at workplace forms part of a general mechanism for handling complaints and submissions.
No, the company or organisation does not deal with handling complaints alleging sexual harassment at workplace.
12. Has your company or organisation adopted measures to promote gender balance in decision-making Gender balance in decision-making means participation of women or men at any decision-making body of a company or organisation that is higher than 40 %, i.e. the parity threshold. ?
Yes, the company or organisation has adopted an official mechanism for gender balance in decision-making.
The company or organisation actively promotes gender balance in decision-making.
The company or organisation sporadically seeks to achieve gender balance in decision-making, however, it does not have any policy or other document on gender balance in decision-making.
No, the company or organisation does not deal with addressing gender balance in decision-making.
13. Does your company or organisation conduct gender audit Gender audit is a tool for implementing gender equality into activities and operation of companies and organisations. It includes a combination of various techniques in order to establish the level of gender equality and set up recommendations to improve the situation, as well as recognising implementation of gender aspects. at workplace?
Yes, the company or organisation regularly conducts complex or partial gender audits and monitors gender inequalities The company or organisation may monitor various gender inequalities, such as within recruitment procedures, in renumeration, access to benefits, upskilling, access to career growth and participation at decision-making, in access to and using work-life balance measures etc. at workplace.
The company or organisation monitors gender inequalities at workplace within other measures or reports. The company or organisation can monitor and evaluate the level of gender equality and gender inequalities at workplace also in its annual report, reports for donors/partners, sustainability report, human rights report, diversity report etc.
The company or organisation is planning to introduce gender audits at workplace.
No, the company or organisation does not deal with gender audits at workplace.
14. Does your company or organisation use a gender-neutral language Gender-neutral language is a non-sexist and inclusive language that aims to avoid using biased, discriminating and degrading words or words referring only to one sex or gender. In Slovak, it means mainly avoiding the generic masculine and referring to individuals by gender-neutral terms or using both male and female denominations. and seeks to present balanced and non-stereotyped portrayal of men and women in its external communication materials, at social media and at its website?
Yes, the company or organisation promotes gender equality externally and has adopted a manual or other document for these purposes.
The company or organisation generally promotes gender equality, however, it does so without any particular guidelines.
The company or organisation generally pays attention to prevent gender discrimination within its external presentation.
No, the company or organisation does not deal with applying gender equality nor with using gender-neutral language within its external presentation.
15. Has your company or organisation established its own childcare facility A childcare facility is a nursery, kindergarten or child zone. ?
Yes, the company or organisation actively supports The company or organisation actively supports care for children of its employees by operating its own childcare facility, providing family benefits beyond the Labour Code and supporting various types of employment forms and organisation of work that allows for work-life balance. childcare for the employees’ children. It has its own childcare facility.
The company or organisation financially supports childcare for the employees’ children.
The company or organisation passively promotes childcare for the employees’ children through benefits that go beyond the Labour Code. The Act No. 311/2011 Coll. the Labour Code as amended sets up the following childcare benefits: adaptation of working conditions (Art. 160 and following), adaptation of working time (Art. 164 and following), maternity and parental leave (Art. 166 and following) and breast-feeding breaks (Art. 170 and following).
No, the company or organisation does not deal with care for the employees’ children.
16. Does your company or organisation allow its employees to use flexible forms of work Flexible forms of work include e.g. a part-time work, job sharing, home office/teleworking, flexible working time, compressed working time, working time account etc. ?
Yes, the company or organisation actively promotes flexible forms of work.
The company or organisation has permanently introduced at least two flexible forms of work.
The company or organisation has introduced only one particular flexible form of work.
No, the company or organisation does not allow flexible forms of work.
17. What is the proportion of fathers on maternity or parental leave as compared to the total number of employees on maternity or parental leave at your company or organisation?
Calculation: Divide the number of men on maternity or parental leave by a total number of employees on maternity or parental leave and multiply the result by 100 %
The proportion of fathers on maternity or parental leave is higher than 20 %.
The proportion of fathers on maternity or parental leave is between 10.1 % and 20 %.
The proportion of fathers on maternity or parental leave is between 0.1 % and 10 %.
There are no fathers currently on maternity or parental leave at the company or organisation or there is currently no employee of the company or organisation on maternity or parental leave.
18. Has your company or organisation introduced programs for maintaining contact with employees on maternity or parental leave and upon return?
Yes, the company or organisation actively keeps in touch with employees on maternity or parental leave and, in case they are interested, it involves them in trainings or other activities.
The company or organisation sporadically involves employees on maternity or parental leave to its activities.
The company or organisation allows employees on maternity or parental leave to participate at certain events, however it does not proactively contact them.
No, the company or organisation is not in touch with employees on maternity or parental leave.